十大赌博正规平台在线 is committed to promoting 学术 excellence through dedication to 学术 integrity and to fair processes for resolving alleged 学术 violations 学生行为准则. 

在这个 spirit, the 教师 and 工作人员 Assemblies and the Student Senate approved the following 学术诚信 Statement: “十大赌博正规平台在线 is rooted in the Dominican traditions of prayer, study, community, and service combined with a deep respect for truth, honesty, and integrity. 在这个 spirit, we strive to create an environment in which integrity is prized and practiced. We expect all community members to uphold these values through honesty, fairness, 尊重他人.”



剽窃. It is understood that when students submit 学术 work, they are responsible for 它的完整性.

When students submit work claimed to be their own, but which in any way uses ideas, organization, wording, or anything else from some other source without an appropriate acknowledgment of that fact, plagiarism has occurred. 抄袭可能有多种形式. In general, however, it can be defined as presenting as one’s own the words or work 或者别人的意见.

Students commit plagiarism when they submit as their own work:

• Part or all of an assignment copied or paraphrased from another source, any on-line source, a book, a magazine, or a manuscript, without proper citation
• Material prepared by another person or organization
• The sequence of ideas, arrangement of material, or thought pattern of someone else. 剽窃 occurs when such a sequence of ideas is transferred from the source(s) to a paper or other student work without the process of reflection, integration, and reorganization in the writer’s mind, and without proper citation
• Writing generated by an AI program such as, but not limited to, ChatGPT

Students are accomplices in plagiarism and equally culpable if they:

• Willfully allow their work, such as a paper in outline or finished form, to be copied and submitted as the work of another
• Prepare a written assignment for another student and allow it to be submitted as 另一个学生自己的作业

In terms of plagiarism, when in doubt as to the criteria for assignments, it is the student’s responsibility to consult beforehand with the 教练 who will receive 完成的工作.


作弊. 作弊 includes, but is not limited to, any attempt by students to answer questions on a test or quiz by any means other than their own knowledge. 作弊的例子 包括但不限于:

• Use of any materials in the process of completing an examination which have not been approved by the 教练; including a cell phone or other digital storage device
• Transmission of information, either given or received, during an examination period
• Intended observation of another’s work for hints on materials or technique during a laboratory test without the consent 指导员的
• Obtaining, in part or in whole, a copy of the examination without consent of the 教练
• Buying or procuring previous examinations given in the course without the consent 指导员的
• Submission of identical papers of work for two different courses without the explicit 两名教员的批准.
• Falsification of official documents such as internship hours, service or volunteer 小时数,学生教学日志等.
• Using answers generated by an AI program such as, but not limited to, ChatGPT.


共谋. 共谋 is assisting or attempting to assist another person in any act of 学术 不诚实.

• Students may not allow other students to copy from their papers during an examination 或者在任何任务上.
• Students may not assist other students in acts of 学术 不诚实 by providing substantive information about test questions or the material to be tested before a scheduled examination, unless they have been specifically authorized to do so by the 课程讲师. This does not apply to tests that have been administered and returned to students in previous semesters.


学术诚信 政策 and Procedures

All cases will be resolved based on whether a reasonable preponderance of evidence exists to support claims that students violated the 十大赌博正规平台在线 Student Code of Conduct for 学术诚信 as outlined in the Course Catalog. 要了解更多关于 current policies and procedures, please read: 学术诚信程序: 教师 and Student Responsibilities.

In the event of an alleged violation, faculty are responsible for submitting “学术诚信 Reporting Form.” 学生必须提交“学术诚信 Student Response Form.”

Once the forms have been submitted, the 学术诚信联络 is responsible for meeting with the student and faculty promptly,  providing a fair assessment of evidence, making recommendations about college standards, and seeing each case through 决议过程.

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Dr. 希瑟Kesselring-Quakenbush