
Adam Liberacki ‘12: Alumnus Keeps Aquinas Connections Strong at Amway

作者:Miranda Burel '17

liberackiA community constantly changes as people move and grow. 十大赌博登录官网价值观的重要组成部分, 社区是指伸出援手,共同努力,创造一些有意义的东西.

Science has always been a group effort for Adam Liberacki ‘12. 作为一个孩子,他会的 带着在父母帮助下做的疯狂实验出现在科学展览会上, 两位科学家自己.

“不可避免地,我们会展示一些粘稠的绿色粘稠物,一个功能立体模型 或者在一个非常难闻的植物学实验出错的案例中,”他说 说.

It is no wonder that Liberacki found Aquinas. 被校园里茂密的树木吸引, small class sizes and the Dominican pillars, Liberacki knew he would soon call AQ 首页.

As a freshman, he filled his schedule with as many science classes as possible. 在 生物学专业的他被生态学、动物学和植物学所吸引,花了两年时间 作为植物学实验室的助教. 当他不做作业的时候,他的时间 课外活动太多了. Liberacki participated in classic science clubs like Tri-Beta (National Biology Honors Society) and the American Chemical Society. But he deems himself “a rogue biology major,” having held leadership positions in AQ编程委员会(AQPB),在驼鹿咖啡馆担任咖啡师并欢迎 担任新生迎新领导.

十大赌博登录官网经常和别人一起做项目,帮助利伯拉基培养他的合作社 个性. “The small class sizes encourage students and professors to work closely 在一起. Everyone gets to know each other on a personal level,” 他说. “这协作 精神帮助我在职业生涯中建立联系,并帮助我取得成功.”

Liberacki graduated in May 2012 and by July had joined the extensive community of 安利AQ校友. 工作 as a microbiology quality assurance lab technician, Liberacki spent his first year getting the lab and manufacturing facility up and running. 现在 he is an associate scientist, working to deliver safe, quality products free from any packaging, chemical or microbial defects. 他目前的项目是快速评估 allergen detection technology for Amway’s manufacturing lines. 实验室检测污染物 像E. coli or salmonella in all the raw materials and equipment used, as well as 成品.

“My job is used to keep people safe in their everyday lives,” Liberacki says. “当 如果你在店里看到无谷蛋白标签,那就意味着有人 like me has confirmed the absence of wheat in that product. 我们已经接通了 严格检测,确保其安全性.”

Liberacki还参加了AQAdvantage组织的“带圣人去上班日”活动 Center, during which current students job shadow throughout the community.

“我想让学生们知道,质量保证对未来来说是一个不错的选择。” 他说. “I was also able to tap into the network of AQ alumni who work at Amway to 为学生提供更丰富的经验,并在此期间展示各种职业道路 他们的访问. It’s because of this type of community and willingness to serve others that I love working at Amway and I loved being at Aquinas.”

Success is possible when communities support their members. 亚当·利伯拉基发现了这个 以诚为本,不断滋养强大的社区基础,以便建立 联系和创造持久的变化.



Flanigan马特·弗拉纳根 graduated from 十大赌博正规平台在线 in 1998 with a Bachelors of Science. He chose a dual major in Spanish and biology with a minor in chemistry. 完成后 他的本科就读于密歇根州立大学骨科医学院 他得了D.O.

他解释说,接受骨科医学培训的医生将有更多不同的医疗 了解程序和诊断方法.

医学院毕业后,马特在兰辛的麻雀医院做了第一年的实习 从2004年到2005年. Next Matt did an emergency medical residency from 2005-2008 at Spectrum 健康巴特沃斯. Finally, Matt completed a specialization fellowship focusing on 2011-2012年的紧急超声波.

目前,Matt在Spectrum Health工作,是一名急诊医生 在他们的七家医院之间. emergency medicine is one of the most difficult 以及医疗保健的各个领域. Despite this, Matt keeps a positive attitude, when asked what he enjoys most about his field he stated, “The challenge, it is a 具有挑战性的专业,你需要精通很多不同的医学问题 and be comfortable with anything that comes through the door. 我们帮助所有的新生儿 一直到100岁.”

急诊医生必须具备所有其他专科的医学问题知识 such as pediatrics, oncology, and cardiology. 除了需要知识渊博之外 几乎所有形式的医学教学都需要专业技术知识 许多紧急医疗程序.

马特按顺序列出了插入胸管、插管和护理点超声的步骤 要做出危及生命的诊断只需看一下令人生畏的技术清单 这个职业所需要的技能.

马特非常真诚,用一种非常高情商的方式说话 令人欣慰的. He is clearly an excellent doctor and someone who understands the value 努力工作和帮助他人.

当被问及他在十大赌博登录官网的时光时,马特解释说,他对校园有好感 部.

He especially loved the trips they took such as going to South Manitou Island and 春假期间服务学习旅行. 他描述了“the Fam”的形成 他的朋友小组每年聚会几次,从那以后他们就参加了十大赌博登录官网的课程.

He also commented on the tendency for science majors to have eight a.m. 每一个类 semester and his jealousy of the business students having Fridays with no classes.

此外,他还回忆起了主打品牌the Cook Carriage house的开业 十大赌博登录官网现在的校园. 马特表示,他很高兴能请到布朗博士. Mckelvy作为 生物学教授多次并经常分享他写整个复杂的故事 记在黑板上的生物课.

When asked about what makes Aquinas special 他说, “The people, the opportunity 为了建立亲密的友谊,由于校园的优雅大小,教授们认为 他们对你感兴趣,并致力于你的成功,以及被赋予权力的感觉 比如学生会. Aquinas gives you the ability to seek out your dreams. 并不是所有的学校都有.”

马特·弗拉纳根显然是一个善良的人,关心他所爱的人 还有他对病人的治疗. He is an AQ saint all the way and it shows in 他生活的方方面面.


作者:Lauren Fay Carlson '12


凯瑟琳(波洛克)说. Earning her bachelor’s degree at Aquinas and 波洛克于2013年毕业于底特律慈悲牙科学校,主修生物和化学, 最后是牙科. 现在 working for Mobile Care Chicago, Pollock applies her 热爱健康,为没有能力的病人提供免费流动牙科服务 afford regular care, contributing a much needed service to community members.

Mobile Care Chicago is a 15-year-old nonprofit with a mission to “deliver no-cost 向低收入儿童和家庭提供医疗和预防保健、教育和支助 在他们的土著社区内乘坐流动医疗诊所,”他们说 网站. Initially focused on asthma care for children in low-income families, the nonprofit expanded to include dental services three years ago. “这很了不起。 需求量很大,”波洛克说.

“Access to care is a huge issue in the city of Chicago,” she adds. 很多家庭 Pollock款待的人要么没有保险,要么有医疗补助,无法负担常规费用 牙科治疗. By offering free comprehensive care services including cleaning 和拔牙,波洛克和她的团队帮助预防严重的牙齿问题 他们发生. This care, which many might consider standard, is “really helpful for 这些家庭,”她说.

除了价格之外,移动医疗的服务还有一个吸引人的特点: 它们是可移动的. Practicing out of an RV equipped with three fully operational dentist’s 椅子和所有必要的工具,波洛克可以提供一流的护理在虚拟 任何位置. “[We have] basically all of the amenities that you would have in a dentist’s “办公室,除了我们在轮子上,”她说.

在一家严格的公司工作了一年之后,波洛克很享受每天的工作 能变换景物,照顾各种各行各业的病人 整个城市的街区. “It’s always an adventure,” says Pollock, who admits that her Google calendar dictates where she will be at any hour of the day. 工作 同时也与当地教会和大主教管区合作 课外活动、健康博览会、日间营地和社区组织, the Mobile Care RV is never short on patients.

Pollock also enjoys interacting with her patients, many of whom have never before 坐过牙医的椅子. “他们非常诚实…….而且非常非常直率和有趣 总是一种快乐,”她说. 工作 with children 在日常生活中 has also allowed her to be herself, showing off her skill, and her 个性. “这是一种自然现象 波洛克说. “他们听了我的烂笑话就笑.“治疗从婴儿到 她21岁,大多数人都在13岁以下,她总是让人敬畏,也让人开心 她的病人.

回顾过去,波洛克很感激她决定从医学预科转向 dentistry during her sophomore year at Aquinas. 对她来说,这个决定允许了她 to explore her passion for health and science, without the risk of life and death 在日常生活中. “The fun part about being a dentist is that you get the opportunity 要做很多和医学一样的训练但你仍然要参与整体医学 health care… with none of the anxiety,” s他说.

积极参与各种项目,比如仁人家园,社区行动 义工协会(CAVA)、教会外展及各专业组织、 Pollock was able to explore the best fit as she navigated her next step. 她甚至 held a research internship at the Van Andel Institute in Grand Rapids. 最重要的是, 波洛克很感激小班授课,这让她能够建立人际关系 和她的教授. “That’s really what was amazing about being in our school,” she 说.

波洛克将对公共卫生的奉献与对科学的热情结合在一起,航行顺利 曲折的本科和研究生学习之路,以及她的第一份公司工作 找到最合适的位置. 工作 as a dentist in a nontraditional practice, Pollock is pursuing a dynamic career in the heart of Chicago. “我每天都感觉很好 我去上班,”她说. “[I’m] giving back and being able to provide a service to 一个最需要它的社区.”